Friday, October 1, 2010

Who Says There's No Money To Lend?

I’ve been hearing it a lot lately – “Now’s a terrible time to buy, because nobody’s lending money.” Nothing could be farther from the truth! The fact is that for qualified buyers (steady job and income, good credit), there are loads of mortgage financing programs available.

The truth is in the numbers. Four hundred mortgages were written last month in Jackson County alone. Of the $134 Million in residential real estate sales, nearly $110 Million was financed. Again – this is in one county in the Kansas City Metro Area. Anyone who says the Real Estate Market is terrible doesn’t live in Kansas City.

True, inventory is up, and there is certainly another wave of foreclosures in store. But the market is working hard on its backswing. Houses ARE selling, prices are great, and interest rates are at historical lows. You may never have a better chance to get so much for so little money – both on the purchase price, and long-term interest payments. There may not be a better time to buy in our lifetime.

To find out how to get the absolute best real estate deal in town, call me now at 816-200-4372.

Find out the top buyer traps and how to avoid them. Visit

Sign up for a free weekly list of Kansas City’s hottest properties! Email me at



Friday, September 3, 2010

Missourians: Say NO To Double Taxation!


Court Win is Victory for Voters: Missourians Will Have Opportunity to Vote “YES” to Stop Double Taxation

(Jefferson City, Mo.) – In a court victory for the rights of voters, Missourians will have an opportunity this fall to Vote “YES” to Stop Double Taxation. Cole County Circuit Judge Paul Wilson ruled Tuesday that the proposed state constitutional amendment barring transfer taxes on real estate received enough petition signatures from registered voters to appear on the Nov. 2 ballot.

“There is no dispute that enough registered voters signed the initiative. The Vote ‘YES’ To Stop Double Taxation Committee showed conclusively in court that thousands of valid voter signatures were incorrectly thrown out by election authorities. We stood up for the rights of these voters to be counted, and the court has supported the rights of voters to be counted,” said attorney Chuck Hatfield, who represented the campaign committee during several days of hearings.

The Vote “YES” To Stop Double Taxation Committee submitted tens of thousands of voter signatures on petitions to place the amendment on the ballot. However, the Missouri Secretary of State’s Office announced its conclusion that the proposal did not receive enough signatures of registered voters to qualify for the ballot.

The committee’s own analysis showed validation rates around 80 percent across six of the nine congressional districts where signatures were gathered, and in some counties better than 90 percent. The committee also showed in court that thousands of valid voter signatures were thrown out by election authorities for an array of questionable reasons during their reviews of the petitions.

The court victory means the Vote “YES” To Stop Double Taxation Committee will move ahead with a strong educational campaign for Missourians about the unfairness of transfer taxes. Transfer taxes on home sales are double taxation because Missourians already pay annual property taxes on real estate, often over many decades of ownership.

Missouri is among just 13 states that do not impose a transfer tax on real estate sales, including all of Missouri’s neighboring states. As state, county and city revenues decline, politicians are tempted to impose new transfer taxes - just as Missouri citizens are struggling to make it.

The proposed state constitutional amendment’s language is straightforward and simple:

“Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended to prevent the state, counties, and other political subdivisions from imposing any new tax, including a sales tax, on the sale or transfer of homes or any other real estate?”

The proposed amendment is sponsored by the 21,000-member Missouri Association of REALTORS®, which wants to keep Missourians from being saddled with unfair double taxation that can destroy the American dream of home ownership.

Learn more about the amendment at

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Five Things That Will Kill Your Credit Score

Your credit score, (your FICO score) can range from the worst possible score of a 300 to a perfect 850, and is determined by such factors as paying your bills on-time, the amount of money you owe, and the length of your credit history.

It takes a long time and a lot of diligence to establish a great credit score – which will net you the best interest rates and financing terms on your big-ticket purchases. However, just a few little errors can send your score spiraling to the depths of “un-financeable”.

Late Payments. Just one occurrence of 30 days past due can cost you up to 100 points. It will take much longer to get those points back than it took you to lose them.

High Balances. If you use more than 35% of your available credit – creditors may view you as a risk, as they may not feel you are able to use good judgment – and could be likely to overspend.

Closing Accounts. While it’s true that nobody needs 5+ credit cards, having established credit accounts increases your score. The length of credit history is a big determining factor of your perceived creditworthiness. So you may consider leaving these accounts open – especially the ones you’ve had for the longest amount of time.

Too Many Store Cards. It’s tempting to sign up for a new card to receive x% off of your purchase – but watch out. Too many credit applications in a short amount of time could be considered a red flag.

Ignoring Fines. Believe it or not – that measly little unpaid parking ticket could cost you much more than the $30 fine if gone unpaid. More and more government agencies are turning unpaid accounts over to collection companies – who report these fines as unpaid to the credit bureaus.

Your credit history is used to “paint a picture” of you, in order to help companies determine your trustworthiness. In fact, many potential employers have begun to pull credit histories of their applicants as part of their review process. So, while paying an account or two 30 days late may only cost you a few dollars in fees – it could cost you much more in the long run!

Don’t forget to keep an eye on your credit score! All Americans are entitled to a free credit report every year – so take advantage! Order your copy today! Just visit to order your copy today.

If you would like more information about buying or selling a home in your area, please don't hesitate to contact me! I am always available to answer your questions - and ready to serve your real estate needs. Your complete satisfaction is my goal - because I want to be your Realtor for life!

Lori Day Infinity Realty

(816) 200-4372 Cellular (816) 554-6351 Fax (816) 554-6368 Office



Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Stop Payment, Then Stop Payment Again

Have you ever written a check, only to have it lost in the mail? When this happens to most people, they take the safe route and cancel the check. For most banks, all you need to do is call into customer service, request a stop payment order (generally paying a fee of $15-$30), and forget it.

Bad news though, if you do business with Bank of America. Apparently it is their policy to enforce a $30 stop-payment order for only SIX MONTHS. What happens after that, you ask? Well according to BOA reps, it "generally" won't be cashed after six months anyway. If you are concerned that "Random Teller A" won't even look at the date of the check - you actually have to cancel the check again EVERY SIX MONTHS (at $30 per time)!

Although it's true that many banks won't cash a check older than six months, there is no law in place to back up this practice. Therefore, you really have no guarantee (short of following up every six months and paying $30 until the end of time) that your stop payment order will be honored. Depending on the amount of the check, it could actually be more cost-effective to "risk it", hoping the check does not go through than to pay $30 every six months to guarantee it.

As though we needed another reason to despise Bank of America...

If you would like more information about buying or selling a home in your area, please don't hesitate to contact me! I am always available to answer your questions - and ready to serve your real estate needs. Your complete satisfaction is my goal - because I want to be your Realtor for life!

Lori Day

Infinity Realty

(816) 200-4372 Cellular

(816) 554-6351 Fax

(816) 554-6368 Office





My Mission Statement:

At Infinity Realty, we make a difference in real estate by saving our clients thousands! Whether you're buying or selling, I WILL save you money; with expert negotiation skills and lowered commission rates. When you hire me, you won't sacrifice service! I promise I'll provide you with a full-service customized client experience, at the highest level of integrity. I do the little things that make a difference - from start to finish, and beyond. Your satisfaction is my mission, because I want to be your Realtor for life!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

For Buyers and Sellers - Termites

Do you know whether this is going on inside your walls?

I've had countless buyers ask me "Why should I bother with a termite inspection? I don't see any termites. I'm already spending so much buying the house, that I don't really want to pay the extra hundred bucks for something so trivial."

Trivial, you say? Oh - no it isn't! There's a saying here in the Midwest that we Realtors often refer to: "If you don't have termites, you will." The fact is that termites are extremely common in our area. For such a tiny little insect - they sure can cause major destruction. And you can't always see their presence with the naked eye.

The truth is, everyone should have regular termite inspections. When you're buying a home, it's especially important because of the money you're already spending. Sure, you could spend up to $150 on an inspection. But you could spend up to $1,500 for treatment alone. (If there is serious damage - you could also incur costs in repair to the property.) This is not the kind of surprise you want after closing.

The great news (for buyers) is if you discover termite infestation, the seller must pay for treatment. Once you're a homeowner, it's a good idea to keep up with regular re-inspections. In many areas, regular preventative services are warranted. "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" as they say. You certainly don't want to be surprised by termites when you're selling your home!

So if you're buying or selling a home - get a termite inspection! The peace of mind is far greater than the dollars spent. Contact me if you need a referral for a great termite specialist in your area.

If you would like more information about buying or selling a home in your area, please don't hesitate to contact me! I am always available to answer your questions - and ready to serve your real estate needs. Your complete satisfaction is my goal - because I want to be your Realtor for life!

Lori Day

Infinity Realty

(816) 200-4372 Cellular

(816) 554-6351 Fax

(816) 554-6368 Office




My Mission Statement:

At Infinity Realty, we make a difference in real estate by saving our clients thousands! Whether you're buying or selling, I WILL save you money; with expert negotiation skills and lowered commission rates. When you hire me, you won't sacrifice service! I promise I'll provide you with a full-service customized client experience, at the highest level of integrity. I do the little things that make a difference - from start to finish, and beyond. Your satisfaction is my mission, because I want to be your Realtor for life!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Seller Series - Three Steps to Selling Your Home in a Buyer’s Market

You have probably heard over and over "It's a buyer's market out there." But, in hearing that, many are left wondering what does that really mean, and how will it affect me if I want to sell my home?


Put simply, the term "a buyer's market" means that right now, that's who has the advantage in the real estate market. Because of these three factors: inventory is high, astoundingly low interest rates, and record-high availability of foreclosed homes; buyers are looking for nothing less than (and can certainly find) what they deem "a steal."


However, this certainly does not mean you will be unable to sell your home! In fact, a buyer's market is a great time to sell your home - since there are so many buyers out there! But, just putting a sign in your yard and waiting for the buyers to stampede won't get the job done! Now - more than ever, you have to have a solid strategy to get your home sold.


The homes that are selling right now fall into one of two categories: Perfect, move-in condition at a fantastic price; or Needs work, and is priced well below the neighborhood's "market value." Therefore, you need to make a decision before ever listing your home for sale: Spend some time and money to fit your home in the "Perfect" category, or show your house as-is, and price it in the "Steal" category (which means taking more money off the price than it would cost a buyer to "fix it up"). No matter which route you choose - use homes comparable to yours, in or near your neighborhood, that have sold in the last three months to help you establish the asking price for your home. These are not the days where a seller can risk pricing high to "see what they can get." Pricing your home effectively the first time will help you avoid extended periods of time on the market before a sale, and lost money at the closing table.


It is imperative that the buyers who see your home get a great first impression. This means don't show your house before it's ready! Listing your home with a disclaimer that "some work still in progress" is a terrible idea. A buyer cannot envision the work that "will be done", nor are they likely to come back later to see what you've done. There are too many homes on the market right now to risk letting your buyers leave your home with a less-than impression. Among the most important factors to ensure your home sells well are: great smells, no clutter, and clean, clean, clean!


No matter where your home fits on the "price scale," you MUST get the word out! It is imperative to use all available resources in marketing your home - in order to reach the highest possible number of "ready-to-act" buyers. This means that you (or your agent!) must utilize the latest, cutting edge technology to syndicate information about your home via the internet - to reach buyers both in & out of town, within real estate offices throughout the city (as 97% of buyers work with professional Realtors), and to your neighborhood and to your entire circle of friends and family (leaving no stone unturned!).

While it's true that there is a lot of "competition" out there - if you follow the above three rules - there is no reason your house can't sell! If you would like more information about buying or selling a home in your area, please don't hesitate to contact me! I am always available to answer your questions - and ready to serve your real estate needs. Your complete satisfaction is my goal - because I want to be your Realtor for life!

Lori Day

Infinity Realty

(816) 200-4372 Cellular

(816) 554-6351 Fax

(816) 554-6368 Office




My Mission Statement:

At Infinity Realty, we make a difference in real estate by saving our clients thousands! Whether you're buying or selling, I WILL save you money; with expert negotiation skills and lowered commission rates. When you hire me, you won't sacrifice service! I promise I'll provide you with a full-service customized client experience, at the highest level of integrity. I do the little things that make a difference - from start to finish, and beyond. Your satisfaction is my mission, because I want to be your Realtor for life!

Seller Series – Why the Appraisal You Got is Probably Not the Price You’ll Get for Your Home

I've heard it time and time again - my house appraised for $x, so that's what I am going to list it for. While it's great to know the approximate value of your home before listing it for sale - many sellers are misled (albeit unintentionally) by appraisals. Many times, the "appraisal value" a seller receives can vary significantly from the true "market value" of a home. Here's why...


When you hire a private appraiser, that company is working for you - the seller. Therefore, they want to earn your money, make you happy, and provide you with the highest possible value for your home. The typical private appraiser who comes out will likely use the "Cost Approach" method. This means he or she will estimate the amount it would cost to replace the home with all the improvements, minus depreciation - then add the approximate value of the land. While this method is a handy tool for getting an approximation of the value of your home - to satisfy curiosity, for instance - no sales comparison is used. Therefore, the value determined by the appraiser could be much higher than the market value of your home.


When you call one of the many investment companies out there, it's their goal to make money - not make you money. Therefore, when determining the "value" of your home, they will likely use what's called the "Income Approach" method. This involves estimating what an investor would pay for your home, based on the money he/she would put into it, and what they'd likely profit either by re-selling it, or in monthly rents. SO, if you call 1-800 WE BUY ANY HOUSE IN 10 DAYS - it's true you may be able to sell your house quickly. However, you will likely be given a value that is much less than the market value of your home - and end up "leaving money on the table" at closing.


When you call a Realtor to do a Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) for your home, he or she will use the "Sales Comparison Approach" to determine the value of your home. This method will help you determine the current and actual market value for your home, as it involves comparing several properties similar to yours that have sold recently. While you could still receive a wide value range if you interview several Realtors, this approach is still your best bet for determining the current value of your home. (Tip: If you do interview several Realtors, look closely at the comparable properties they use to value your home. The more properties the better - and the more recent the sales the better. One or two properties that sold 9-12 months ago really have nothing to do with today's market!)

As you can see, appraisals are more of an art than a science. There are so many factors and methods involved - that it can be difficult to obtain a "true value" for your home. So - the first thing to ask yourself is - why do I want to know the value of my home? If it's because you are thinking of selling - CALL A REALTOR! That is your best bet for getting a current - real market value for your home. After all, Realtors only make money if they SELL your home, whereas appraisers make money just to visit - and investors make money by paying as little as possible!

If you would like more information about buying or selling a home in your area, please don't hesitate to contact me! I am always available to answer your questions - and ready to serve your real estate needs. Your complete satisfaction is my goal - because I want to be your Realtor for life!

Lori Day

Infinity Realty

(816) 200-4372 Cellular

(816) 554-6351 Fax

(816) 554-6368 Office




My Mission Statement:

At Infinity Realty, we make a difference in real estate by saving our clients thousands! Whether you're buying or selling, I WILL save you money; with expert negotiation skills and lowered commission rates. When you hire me, you won't sacrifice service! I promise I'll provide you with a full-service customized client experience, at the highest level of integrity. I do the little things that make a difference - from start to finish, and beyond. Your satisfaction is my mission, because I want to be your Realtor for life!

Buyer Series – Buying Short Sales – Sweet Deal or Short Changed?

With all the recent financial troubles daunting many American families, we've seen a huge increase in listings called "Short Sales." While short sales can represent a "sweet deal" for the buyer looking to buy a bargain - in many cases, they can be more trouble than they are worth.


A short sale is when a homeowner is unable to sell their home for enough money to pay off their mortgage. (This is either because they have been loaned more on the home than the market will bear, or because values in the area have decreased substantially.) Therefore, the bank agrees to accept less than the mortgage payoff in order to avoid foreclosure proceedings (which can cost the lender up to $60,000).


When a home is listed as a short sale, it is extremely rare that the lender has already been consulted in order to approve the list price. The listing agent will attempt to estimate an amount far enough below market value to attract buyers, which is still high enough to receive approval from the lender. For that reason, the asking price that attracts the buyer in the first place may not be the amount the bank will accept. In addition, it's not only unusual to negotiate less than the agent's estimated short sale price, but also fairly common to end up being asked to pay more than that price.


Before a buyer begins negotiation on a short sale home, it is important to know that the lender (who is paying all the fees in the transaction) usually will not make any repairs (including pest inspections or treatment, and home warranties). This means that any questionable items that come up as a result of a home inspection are for the buyers' knowledge only. However, it is imperative to go through with the inspection process, and leave this contingency as a "loophole" in case serious issues come to light.


It can take 2-6 weeks just to receive an answer from the lender on the original purchase offer! If there are two lenders involved (a "first mortgage" and a "second mortgage"), those two entities have to agree on how to split the loss - so it can take even longer to reach an agreement. In addition, the short sale closing process takes an indefinite amount of time. It is extremely unusual to close in 60 days or less - and pretty common to take several months before finalizing the sale. So buyers in a time crunch may not be able to coordinate a closing fast enough to meet their needs.


Once a buyer has decided to pursue a short sale "eyes wide open" - it's very important to have a Realtor on their side that is familiar with the short sale process. Although buying any given short sale home is never a "done deal" until closing - having the right agent can literally make or break the deal. A great deal of communication, understanding of the process, and follow up is necessary to give a short sale its best chance for success.

While buying a short sale home can represent a great "deal," there are many potential stumbling blocks along the way. It is important to know just what you're getting into going in, so you're prepared for the possible pitfalls you may experience during the sale. Most of all, hire a Realtor with experience in all kinds of sales (short, foreclosure, traditional, etc.) so that he or she can help you explore your options, and choose the best route for you.

If you would like more information about buying or selling a home in your area, please don't hesitate to contact me! I am always available to answer your questions - and ready to serve your real estate needs. Your complete satisfaction is my goal - because I want to be your Realtor for life!

Lori Day

Infinity Realty

(816) 200-4372 Cellular

(816) 554-6351 Fax

(816) 554-6368 Office




My Mission Statement:

At Infinity Realty, we make a difference in real estate by saving our clients thousands! Whether you're buying or selling, I WILL save you money; with expert negotiation skills and lowered commission rates. When you hire me, you won't sacrifice service! I promise I'll provide you with a full-service customized client experience, at the highest level of integrity. I do the little things that make a difference - from start to finish, and beyond. Your satisfaction is my mission, because I want to be your Realtor for life!

Buyer Series - Are Foreclosures Really All They're Cracked Up To Be?

"My friend Mary just got an awesome deal on a foreclosure! She got the house for $35,000 below market value."

In this market, who among us has not heard a story similar to that? Sure, when you know just what you're up against and have an experienced Realtor to guide you, foreclosed and distressed homes can be a fantastic opportunity for some walk-in or sweat equity. But there is a lot of the story missing; and buyers out to get a steal in the the real estate market often have to find out the hard way that it is not just making a low-ball offer and signing on the dotted line.

First, when you're negotiating to purchase a foreclosed home - you are at the mercy of the bank, investor, or servicing company who is handling the sale of the property. The whole process will happen on the terms of the seller; and while it may take them days to answer a buyers offer, they expect all counter-offers and documentation from the buyer to be submitted immediately.

They will outline the closing date, inspection and financing timelines. Many of these homes are without utility service and/or have been winterized, which can add $200-$300 in additional inspection expenses. In most cases, the home will be sold as-is (except for the case of termite infestation, which all sellers in this area are compelled to treat by law), therefore many of these homes will not pass FHA or VA Appraisal requirements.

Buyers can spend up to $1000 on inspection costs, only to find that the condition of the house is unacceptable to the lender, or buyer - or both. Having to start again the search and negotiation process can be frustrating, especially with a lot of time and money having already been spent.

So if the process to buy these foreclosures is so difficult, why do buyers even bother with the process? Simple! They remain in charge of one major aspect of the sale - the price. Buyers have quite the advantage in this current real estate market because there are so many distressed homes for sale. Many of these homes are being sold for thousands (and even tens of thousands) below a "typical market value."

Even the homes that need some work can represent a great profit opportunity to the savvy buyer. However, a lot of the available homes out there are in terrible condition, and will require thousands of dollars in repairs and updates. Therefore, what a buyer will spend in total on the property must be considered.

Many buyers who have already purchased homes are surprised to find that they have little room to "make demands" like they have in past transactions. First-time buyers - for whom the buying process is already full of surprises, can be easily (and understandably) overwhelmed by the additional difficulty added when buying a foreclosed home.

This is why it is essential to have an expert Realtor in your corner. Now more than ever, having a skilled agent guiding you through the process step-by-step will help ease what is likely to be challenging at the very least. With all the changes happening in lending and the housing market - consumers need someone on their side who stays informed, and is out there "fighting the battle" for their clients every day.

So before you decide to "hop aboard the foreclosure train", be sure to contact an experienced Realtor who will help you examine the pros and cons. Each buyer's situation and home for sale are unique, so be sure you have an expert to help you decide what's right for you.

Lori Day

Infinity Realty

(816) 200-4372 Cellular

(816) 554-6351 Fax

(816) 554-6368 Office




My Mission Statement:

At Infinity Realty, we make a difference in real estate by saving our clients thousands! Whether you're buying or selling, I WILL save you money; with expert negotiation skills and lowered commission rates. When you hire me, you won't sacrifice service! I promise I'll provide you with a full-service customized client experience, at the highest level of integrity. I do the little things that make a difference - from start to finish, and beyond. Your satisfaction is my mission, because I want to be your Realtor for life!

Buyer Series - Can't I Just Call The Listing Agent?

So you're driving down the street, and you see a beautiful home for sale. You pull a flyer out of the box in front, and it looks like THE perfect home for you. The next thing you do is call the number for the listing agent and set up a showing - right? WRONG! At least not if you want an agent that's working for YOU.

When you're ready to buy a home - one important thing you need to understand is "Agency". There are many ways a consumer can work with an agent in the KC Metro, and it's important to know who is working for whom.

In most cases, the agent who lists a home for sale is representing the seller - and the seller only. So if you call the listing agent to view & write an offer on a home, you're on your own. What's worse is not only will they not be able to provide you advice on purchase price and terms, but any personal information you tell them about yourself WILL be passed on to the seller. (Why you're moving, what you can spend, how interested you are in the home, etc..) This can definitely jeopardize your position at the "negotiating table."

What you need is an Exclusive Buyer Agency Agreement with a qualified Realtor, so that your interests are represented. A Buyer's Agent will be working for you to get you the best price and terms possible, and all of your information and motivations will be kept confidential. Best of all, buyer representation is at no cost to you in Kansas and Missouri.

So, rather than driving around looking for homes, and calling several separate Realtors to view the ones you like - get your own Realtor first. Having a qualified professional on your side will save you time and money. Although buyer representation is "free", having someone to guide you through the process from start to finish is "priceless."

For more information about buying a home in the Kansas City Metro Area, call or email me any time. I stand ready to answer your questions and help to guide you through the process.

Lori Day

Infinity Realty

(816) 200-4372 Cellular

(816) 554-6351 Fax

(816) 554-6368 Office




My Mission Statement:

At Infinity Realty, we make a difference in real estate by saving our clients thousands! Whether you're buying or selling, I WILL save you money; with expert negotiation skills and lowered commission rates. When you hire me, you won't sacrifice service! I promise I'll provide you with a full-service customized client experience, at the highest level of integrity. I do the little things that make a difference - from start to finish, and beyond. Your satisfaction is my mission, because I want to be your Realtor for life!

Household Maintenance Made Easy - Volume II April

With the go-go lifestyles we lead, it can be easy for life's to-do list to be overwhelming. My monthly home & lifestyle maintenance checklist will help you stay organized, show you how to do a little at a time, and how to get everything DONE.

Indoor Cleaning Tips

  • Use your vacuum and dishwasher to clean more efficiently. Start at the ceiling line with the vacuum: Vacuum walls, baseboards, and furniture before vacuuming floors. Empty the bag as soon as it starts getting full.
  • Use the dishwasher for everything that fits. On some models, you can take out the top shelf for oversized items you might not have considered like the bathroom garbage cans, broiler pans, and bath caddies.
  • Clean and shampoo carpets. If you can, hire someone to do this; it will save a lot of time and free you up to do other things. Wash floors, then treat per manufacturer´s instructions. Wash woodwork including moldings, baseboards, and doors.
  • Take down curtains and drapes. Wash or dry clean. Wash mini-blinds, blinds, or shades. If damaged, repair or replace. Clean lamps and ceiling fans, removing light bulbs and covers to wipe/polish.
  • Take down pictures and artwork. Clean frames and glass. Move appliances and heavy furniture. Clean underneath.
Indoor Organizing Projects
  • Empty clothing closets, toy boxes, cupboards, and drawers. (If you´ve been decluttering and cleaning throughout the year, you know which ones you generally ignore.) Vacuum, dust, or wash shelves, drawers, and cabinets depending on when they were last cleaned. Repaint or wallpaper a closet if you have time.
  • Sort winter clothes for tossing, donating, tag sales, or storage. Wash or dryclean woolens and down-filled clothing then store with cedar chips. (Tip: Use "Space Bags" to store large/many items in a small space. These really help maximize storage areas such as closets and under the bed.)
  • Go through bookshelves. Get rid of any books that you no longer need or want. Donate or set them aside for a tag sale. Dust and replace on clean shelves. Sort through videos, DVDs, electronic games, and music CDs. Toss damaged tapes and CDs. Sell or donate old games, CDs, and movies.
  • Sort through computer clutter. Donate usable software, manuals, and equipment. Find a recycling center for dead equipment. Pitch disks and floppies that you can´t read on your current systems.
  • Set aside garage sale items, drop off donations, and haul garbage to the dump or dumpster.
Outdoor Checklist
  • You still have time to reseed patchy areas of the lawn. Now is a good time while everything is in growth mode. Be sure to scape off dead/dried out grass and remove before seeding.
  • Transplant and move plants that are still dormant or just starting to wake up. If you wait, they may be too leafed out and more susceptible to transplant shock.
  • Have your sprnkler system checked for leaks or clogs. Set timer for early-morning watering three times per week. (Tip: You will probably be able to over-ride many of these watering sessions since we typically get a lot of rain in April. This way though, when the heat kicks in - your system is up and ready to go.)
  • Bring out hoses and seasonal lawn equipment. Wash lawn furniture and hose off exterior of grill (at least the parts that were not covered during the winter season.) Scrub down patios, stairs & decks.
  • Wash exterior windows. (Tip - Windex Outdoor works great - and is a snap to use.)
You can stay on top of your home's maintenance by doing the little things all year long. Just a little bit of effort through the year goes a long way toward avoiding major headaches down the line. Check back next month for the next volume of my Household Maintenance Made Easy series. Happy Homeowning!

Lori Day
Infinity Realty
(816) 200-4372 Cellular
(816) 554-6351 Fax
(816) 554-6368 Office

My Mission Statement:

At Infinity Realty, we make a difference in real estate by saving our clients thousands! Whether you're buying or selling, I WILL save you money; with expert negotiation skills and lowered commission rates. When you hire me, you won't sacrifice service! I promise I'll provide you with a full-service customized client experience, at the highest level of integrity. I do the little things that make a difference - from start to finish, and beyond. Your satisfaction is my mission, because I want to be your Realtor for life!

Tax Tip Time!

If you're anything like me, you spend countless hours preparing for tax time. Each year I promise myself that "this year, I am going to keep up with my deductions." Then I end up kicking myself for not doing it. The good news is, it's not too late.

It's the beginning of the 3rd Quarter, which is a great time to get ahead of the tax game. Make a list of all the deductions you take each year (such as mileage, charitable donations, work-related clothing purchases, etc.). Gather and go through all your paperwork now, and record your running totals for the first six months of the year. Then make a file for 2010 Taxes, where you'll store all your information, receipts, etc. for the next filing.

Taking a little bit of time now will help you wrap up tax season much faster the next time around. Keep logging those deductions every month, and this time filing will be a snap!

Lori Day
Infinity Realty
(816) 200-4372 Cellular
(816) 554-6351 Fax
(816) 554-6368 Office

My Mission Statement:

At Infinity Realty, we make a difference in real estate by saving our clients thousands! Whether you're buying or selling, I WILL save you money; with expert negotiation skills and lowered commission rates. When you hire me, you won't sacrifice service! I promise I'll provide you with a full-service customized client experience, at the highest level of integrity. I do the little things that make a difference - from start to finish, and beyond. Your satisfaction is my mission, because I want to be your Realtor for life!

Moving Over To Blogger

I have been blogging for quite some time on another site. Recently, they've changed the way they do things, and as a result I've decided to switch over to google. I'm copying some of my posts from the other site, which you can read above.

I'm always happy to answer questions about my blog posts or anything real estate. If I can be of assistance, please don't hesitate to contact me. Happy Reading!